Thursday, May 22, 2014

Serves: 4 to 8
Prep. time: 25 min
Cooking time: 2½ hours

  • 1 cup bulgur 
  • 1 lb. fresh chard 
  •  8 cups water 
  •  1 15-oz. can chickpeas 
  • 1 tsp. salt 
  • 2½ cups (20 oz.) plain yogurt, at room temperature 
  • 1 egg, at room temperature 
  • fresh or dried mint to garnish

  1. Place bulgur in a colander. 
  2. Rinse under cold water and drain. 
  3. Remove tough stems from chard. 
  4. Wash leaves well and drain.  
  5. In a large kettle with a lid, bring 3 cups water to a boil over high heat. 
  6. Add chard and return to a boil. 
  7. Cover and cook about 3 minutes, or until leaves are thoroughly wilted. 
  8. Remove chard with a slotted spoon, place in a bowl, and set aside to cool. 
  9. Save cooking water and add bulgur, chickpeas, and 5 cups more water to kettle. 
  10. Return to a boil. 
  11. Lower heat, cover, and simmer for 1½ hours. 
  12. While soup is cooking, chop chard finely with a sharp knife. 
  13. In a medium bowl, beat together salt, yogurt, and egg. 
  14. Add chopped chard and about 1 cups of the soup to yogurt mixture. 
  15. Stir well, always stirring in the same direction to prevent curdling. 
  16. Remove soup from heat. Gradually add yogurt mixture, stirring constantly. 
  17. Sprinkle each serving with int and serve immediately. 



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